Monday, March 30, 2009

Garbage Bags

We used many plastic bags to dispose of our food waste everyday, if I am using a bin to store all these for a week, I am sure 1 bin is not enough for my family.

I was shopping in some supermarkets a few weeks back and I saw this home brand of biodegradable bags and I couldn't snap any photos then but I did over the weekend and let me show you guys, there are 30 bags in one pack, some larger bags have only 10 in a pack, like this one. I will be very keen to try these although there are no instructions to state how long I can keep them before they biodegrade by itself, I think this information will be helpful.

It is not very expensive, it cost just S$1.25 for a pack of 30 bags. But to be honest, I think no one in our country has ever had to buy our own plastic bags for garbage use because we are such a plastic reliant city, takeaway food are all stored in plastic containers and supermarkets give away free plastic bags whenever you purchase your grocery (On many occasion when I use my own shopping bag, i got a 10 cents off your purchase, just once, on a plastic bag free day. Apparently on other days, if you use your own bag, you don't get any 10 cents off. Ridiculous right?). When I was studying in Australia, asking for an extra plastic bag will cost us AUD 5 cents more which makes us think twice as poor students so I think our country should implement this or start to use brown paper bags, I kinda love those. They have a rustic feel and although when they are wet they will tear easily but you can throw them to be composted I suppose.

I was very happy to see some cities in US going styrofoam free but I can foresee that NOT happening here. It is truly sad to stay in a country where we have no natural resources and yet we are not doing our part to conserve and preserve what we have. Earth Hour was observed by individuals or corporation and our government did not come out to encourage and speak out for climate change. Depressing.

And when I think about hoping to own my own house in the future, I fret about the cost to import eco-friendly products for my house since they are not readily availble here. And to think importing such things increase my carbon footprint...damn...dilemma.

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