Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Am I an eco-poser?

Sometimes you really have to reassess yourself whether you are truly green so here goes my 2 cents worth.

This article is from The Alternative Consumer site. Credit to rd.

You know these people. Like me, you may also fit the description in those weak moments when convenience trumps sustainability (please step away from that 12 oz Evian bottle). We must all try to do ‘bettah.’
  • They can be spotted with a ‘I’m Not a Plastic Bag’ dangling from their arm, swigging from a 32 oz ‘Smart Water’ bottle, while walking a dog bred in a cage in Kansas by a guy who dumps animal do-do in the stream behind his shed. - I don't have a dog and neither do I own a Not a Plastic Bag bag and smart water is not sold here so doesn't apply to me.
  • They fervently support alternative energy but don’t want that wind turbine obscuring the view from their beach chair on their inherited ocean-front estate…right, Teddy? - I will love to see wind turbine lining our beaches but hey, we neither have much wind and much land to put the wind turbine, I don't care about their aesthetic value.
  • They just had solar panels installed on the ‘weekend’ house but leave the engine running on the Range Rover when they ‘pop’ into Starbucks for that latte. - Ha, I wish I have a house, I wouldn't even dream I will have a weekend addition, I don't own a car either.
  • They fly thousands of miles to Hawaii and Bali for global warming conferences on the private jet and tool around paradise in a limo…Al? - I am not invited to all these conferences, damn it and I fly commercial, never private...I know I know I still left my carbon footprint.
  • They strap-on an organic cotton ‘Stop the Emissions’ t-shirt under a Prada, croc jacket, and accessorize with a stunning pair of ‘blood’ diamond earrings for the drive with their assistant to the mailbox with that fat donation to ‘Save the Whales’ - on their way to the airport for the flight to Sundance for a series of glutton-ish pseudo-celeb, swag parties. - No, not invited, not invited, not invited and I don't own any Prada either.
  • They religiously watch Nat Geo, Animal Planet and Discovery Channel on the 27 flat-panel tv’s in their geo-thermal powered home. - Guilty as charged and I live on the grid, bloody hell, my government is not doing anything to bring in alternative energy, not my fault, I live in public housing.
  • They do a documentary on global warming and then fly around the globe chasing eco-tail? - Sorry, not a producer so will probably never do a documentary.
  • They’re on both the mailing list for PETA and the Victoria’s Secret catalog. - Yes to the latter not to the former..does that make me more eco-friendly?
  • They purchase carbon offsets, drive a Bentley, eat only the finest steaks, burn 50,000 kilowatts a day in their 5 homes, support solar but think the panels look ‘icky’ on the Spanish villa they bought from that poor bastard in Paraguay. - Neh, trust me, if I have a house, I will try my bestest best to put on solar panels, I don't care if I am the ugliest house in the neighbourhood...all I need to know is I spend less on electricity vs my neighbours.
  • They wear a ‘Global Warming’s Not Hot’ t-shirt while exposing their privates to 300 or so SUV-driving-paparazzi while bar-hopping…Paris, Lindsay… - Haha..why would I want to do that?
  • There’s a ‘Made in China’ label sticking out of their 100% jute gladiator sandals. - I am sorry but these days, basically everything at home is made outside the country. Blame my government's import export policies.
  • As a presidential candidate, they make 12 speeches in support of alternative energy subsidies while flying to 7 states in 24 hours on 6 different private jets, accompanied by a 63-person entourage that caravans from speech to speech in a fleet of 15 overstuffed Escalades. - Hmm I am just a small fry, will never be the President and besides my country has no states.
  • They write for an eco-friendly blog, but refuse to fix that dripping faucet in their bathroom… - I don't fix dripping faucet, my dad would and all ur faucets are working just fine.
  • think the Sierra Club is a Rehab Center and Spa, out west - Haha I learnt what it is recently and I really like the activities they have, pretty cool.
  • wear a “Save the Planet” t-shirt, designed by Bono, under their Mark Jacobs lambskin jacket - Marc Jacobs not Mark Jacobs...and I dont' have money to buy any Marc Jacobs stuff so not to worry.
  • Louis Vuitton reusable bags cost more than most major appliances - LV are too damn expensive and they are never worth queuing outside their store for.
  • are celebrities who make sure to get photographed riding a bike around Hollywood but fly everywhere in a private jet - Good one but as I said, I fly commercial
  • fervently support alternative energy, but don’t want an ugly wind turbine obscuring their view of the neighboring townhouse development - As stated earlier, I will love them for their benefits not their looks
  • would love to give up their SUV, but can’t - because they’re short and they like to be “above the traffic” - Again, I don't own a car and I rely on public transport everyday
  • monthly energy consumption bronzing at the tanning salon exceeds the annual electric consumption of 3 African nations - Thank goodness I don't go tanning salon, I tan naturally and beautifully I should say. Our sun is always blazing hot. Eat your hearts out!
  • write for an eco blog, but leave their laptop on day and night, hate the light from those CFLs and still haven’t fixed that drip in the shower… - I will never be so obsessed to leave my laptop on day and night, once I step out of the office I try not to think so much about work, haha

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