Thursday, January 22, 2009

Green Tip for today

Today, I will advise how many homeowners can make full use of grey water in their households?

Greywater, also known as sullage, which is non-industrial wastewater generated from domestic processes such as dish washing, laundry and bathing. Greywater comprises 50-80% of residential wastewater (Source : Wikipedia)

As per normal, such water will go down the drains into the sewage and head for the ocean or whatsoever. That's right, that's normal thinking. But most detergents/laundry powder we used are not biodegrable, meaning they cannot be broken down and therefore exist forever in our ecosystem. But biodegration is another topic altogether.

So back to grey water. What you can do to reuse the grey water.

1) Collect grey water from washing machines in pails and use them to flush the toilet after use. Normal flush is 6 litres of water per flush and 4 litres per half flush. However in our homes, not many toilet had been set up with half flush.

2) Use the same grey water from washing machines to clean your toilet floor, porch and your corridor, etc and clean it a 2nd round with tap water rather than 2 rounds of tap water.

3) Collect grey water from washing your hands and divert them to your cistern in the toilet for flushing (this takes a bit of engineering) or you can buy this model from Sinkpositive.

4) Or the water from washing your hands, if you just rinse or run your hands under the water without detergent, the grey water collected can be use to water your plants and your garden.

These are easy solutions you can try at home and do not take up much of your time but yet cost efficient and reusing your resource.

So give it a try today!

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