Monday, January 19, 2009


As I couldn't import my old blog from msn spaces, I am going to take some time to extract, copy and paste some of my old blog entries here.

This is something I wrote in April 07, it is interesting to know that almost 2 years gone and my interest to 'save' the world still stands.

Well for those of you who have watched Heroes on TV (Ok, maybe not everyone if you don't have cable at home) would know this slogan "Save the cheerleader, save the world"...why? Nobody knows...But frankly my theory is everyone can be a hero...this is how :

Save the world by :

- Using less plastic bags (Singapore is just implementing this, I say this is long long overdue...when I was studying in Australia, there already have this practice, additional plastic bags cost you 5 cents and we grown used to bringing our own haversack to the supermarket and make do without the plastic bags). Burning it will produce toxic fumes into the environment.

- Stop using so much hair sprays...for those who don't know, they produces chemical that harm our ozone layer...if you still don't think the world is getting warmer...go ahead

- Use less energy....airconditioner, refrigerator, television, water times like that, I wish the government will install solar power for all flats so that we can make use of the sun...natural and free. And this solar power can generate power for many uses at home, on the roads, in buildings and many more. Yes the utilities company may not earn that much from the citizens if that's the case but hey, this is our future we are talking about here.

- Stop polluting the air......maybe drive lesser? Or drives hybrid cars? Again I find our Singapore not doing much in this, yes COEs were introduce.....but that does not stop people from buying cars, it only allow some government agencies to make more would I suggest we change that? For those who have been to San Francisco will know the weather there is cool and windy...rarely does the temperature becomes warm....but last July where I was there during summer...the daytime temperature was considered high for San Francisco (If I remember correctly, it was around 20 odd degree celsius, still very cool by Singapore standards indeed) and in order to keep the temperature down, the government allow for everyone to take public transport for free for 3 days....this encourages people to park their cars at home and take the buses and trams (I didn't take the train so I don't know whether it was free). This is really a quick win and quick fix.

- Use less paper so that trees don't get chop down so much resulting in deforestation, land slides and everyone knows trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air too...

- Use less water, use half flush if you are given that option. Again our government doesn't help in this...every flush in our toilets will waste about 3 litres water per flush and we all know we don't need full flush when we do small business.....what is worse it some houseowners will install urinals which uses less than 1 litre water and yet the government will charge them for having another sanitary unit at home...what the ??????.....this houseowner is merely doing his part....there are also some who install half flush and full flush function for their toilet bowls and I don't understand why they need to spend additional money doing that when the government should have done that for all new flats they built and even do that for those old flats that got upgraded....some parts of the world is already having droughts and the situation is expected to worsen so do something about it now.

- Recycle. Yes we can sell our newspaper/paper to the karung guni man who in turn will sell it to those who recycle paper. One down. Cans from beer, soft drinks...collected by those elderly who sold them to aluminium recyclers...another down....but what about glass and plastic bottles??? These need to be dump properly and glass can perhaps be melted down and reused...where are those BIG recycling boxes for people to dump these? I know there are some in the petrol stations but not everyone passes by a petrol station. Couldn't the government put these on the void deck of every block? Not that difficult since they are able to install a waste bin every 20 steps you take.

There is a lot more that we can do but not everything are within our means...anyway all that said and done, I am thinking is there a need to give a pay raise to the government officials when they still have not done their duty to the lives of the citizens and to Mother Earth.

Be a hero and leave a livable world to our future generations!

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